Research Topics
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Machine Perception
Semantic Scene Analysis
Recovery of a dense and accurate 3D representation of the vehicle environment.
Object Analysis
Road user classification, extraction of relevant attributes (e.g. pose), state estimation and motion prediction.
Visual Self-Localization
Representation learning, visual place recognition, ground-to-satellite cross-view matching.
Dynamics and Control
Advanced Tyre and Vehicle Models
Non-linear models for slippery road conditions and emergency manouevres
Accurate Vehicle Measurements
Measurement of vehicle state by load-sensing bearings, odometry and environment sensing
Intelligent Steering
Steering feedback for enhanced safety and comfort
Human Factors
Partial Automation
Analyzing driver take-over-requests in SAE Level 3 automation
Perception of Driving Comfort
Measurement of vehicle state by load-sensing bearings, odometry and environment sensing
Interaction with Self-Driving Vehicles
Analysis of road user behaviors towards self-driving vehicles. Audio-visual modes of communication